„Beryozka khorovod“
“Beryozka” is a professional dance company that performs only Russian girl dances. The ensemble was founded in 1948 by Nadezhda Sergeyevna Nadjeschdina (1908-1979), who was a ballerina at the Bolshoi Ballet 1925-1934 and worked from 1934 to 1948 with amateur dance groups in different cities of Russia. For the Amateur Art Festival 1948 in Moscow, she created the choreography “Beryozka khorovod” (Birch round dance) for the dance group from Kalinin.
Russia 26.10.2017
India 26.10.2017
She was inspired to do so by a ritual spring round dance for unmarried girls, which was known as the ‘birch worship’. As background music Nadjeschdina chose the folk song “There was a birch tree on the field”, which has been arranged for four Bajan players (Russian button accordion) by the composer Yevgeny Kusnjetsov (1922-1993).
The choreography “Beryozka khorovod” and the ensemble “Beryozka” have become world famous.