With our virtual stamp exhibition “8 … 9 … 10 … ready !”
we want to show …
… that you can tell a story with just 10 stamps and
… that no great effort is required for this.
Therefore there is only 1 rule: With 10 philatelic items you are there!
Otherwise everything is allowed:
If you don’t use a PC, you will have to make good copies or scans with a high resolution (min. 200 DPI) of the finished pages. If you work with a PC, you can scan your stamps and items and create the complete sheets on the PC.

Notes: Participation in the exhibition “8 … 9 … 10 … ready!” is voluntary.
The participants do not have to be members of Motivgruppe Musik.
The exhibits are preferably submitted by email. Submissions by post (on CD / USB stick or as unfolded copies) are also possible.
By submitting the exhibit, the exhibitor consents to its publication on the website of Motivgruppe Musik. The publication can take place under your own name or under an anonymous code word.