German Stampdealer Society (online)
CG-Award 2017: German authors and clubs were once again top
“Schwanensee” ist die schönste Musikbriefmarke 2016
(Swanlake is the most popular music stamp 2016)
Yehudi-Menuhin-Trophy 2017
Thema – Schweizerischer Motivsammler-Verein 12/2017
NVTF Thema
Der Musikus Nr. 132
Dutch Society for Topical Philately 11/2017
This journal prints all articles in three languages: German, French and English. September 2017: “Der Musikus” usually has very short articles, but this time ten pages “The Songs of the Reformation” by Manfred Gorol. It is a pity that these are only brief biographies of song writers. But it is a good overview of all the song writers outside the Catholic Church.
“Schwanensee” ist die schönste Musikbriefmarke 2016
(Swanlake is the most popular music stamp 2016)
Yehudi-Menuhin-Trophy 2017
Die Briefmarke 11/2017
“Schwanensee” ist die schönste Musikbriefmarke 2016
(Swanlake is the most popular music stamp 2016)
Yehudi-Menuhin-Trophy 2017
Deutsche Briefmarken-Revue 11/2017
Neue Ausgabe der Reihe “Bildung & Briefmarke” zum Thema Musikinstrumente
(New issue in the series “Education & Stamps” about musical instruments)
New booklet “Education & Stamps”
Michel Rundschau 11/2017
Schwanensee ist die schönste Musikbriefmarke 2016
(Swanlake is the most popular music stamp 2016)
Yehudi-Menuhin-Trophy 2017
Michel Rundschau 11/2017
Das Glück der Erde: Musik & Pferde
(The luck of the earth: music and horses)
New booklet “Education & Stamps”
philatelie 10/2017
Écho de la Timbrologie
Un site réglé comme du papier à musique
(A well organized website about music)
Briefmarken Spiegel
Best in music – Looking for the new candidates for the Yehudi-Menuhin-Trophy
Best in music – Looking for the new candidates for the Yehudi-Menuhin-Trophy
Deutsche Briefmarken-Zeitung (DBZ online)
Motivgruppe Musik is looking for the most popular music stamp
Deutsche Briefmarken-Zeitung (DBZ) 8/2017
Motivgruppe Musik invites to vote for the most popular music stamp