Press Reports 2021

Press Archive

Der Musikus Nr. 148  
  Topical Time 11-12/2021

Meter Cancellations show History  
  DBZ 12/2021

Die schönste Musikbriefmarke 2020  
Postfrisch 12/2021

Der Musikus Nr. 148  
  NVTF-Thema 10/2021

Most popular music stamp 2020  10/2021

Yehudi Menuhin Trophy 2021  

Most popular music stamp  
  Philatelie  10/2021

Beethoven is the favorite   
  DBZ 09/2021

Italiener gewinnt (Yehudi Menuhin Trophy 2021)  
  Briefmarkenspiegel 09/2021

Der Musikus Nr. 147  
  Topical Time 09-10/2021

Yehudi Menuhin Trophy 2021    
  SMV-Thema  09/2021

Motivgruppe Musik announces top music stamps of 2020  
  Linn’s Stamp News  2.9.2021

Interview with Arnold van Berkel  
  NVTF-Thema 08/2021

Der Musikus Nr. 147  
  NVTF-Thema 08/2021

Hrvatska pošta Mostar osvojila „Yehudi Menuhin trofej“  
Press released by Hrvatska posta Mostar  08/2021
Facebook  www.rama-prozor  

The music group has a great idea   
  Junge Sammler  07/2021

Vote for the most popular music stamp 2020  
  Michel-Rundschau  06/2021

Wanted: most popular music stamp  
  Philatelie  06/2021

Vote for the most populat music stamp    
  SMV-Thema  06/2021

Der Musikus Nr. 146  
  NVTF-Thema 05/2021

Vote for your favourite music stamp of 2020  
  FEPA News 04/2021

Der Musikus 12/2020  
  Topical Time 03-04/2021

Vote for the most popular music stamp 2020  
  BDPh News  28.3.2021

Vote para o Melhor Selo do Tema Música de 2020  
  Blog O Filatelista  27.3.2021